Invitations - declarations for business trips of foreigners

Assistance for certification of invitations-declarations for business trips of foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria

Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry advises companies on the conditions and requirements of the regime for certification of invitations-declarations for business travel of foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria and at their request, assists them in filling out the forms of invitations-declarations and their submission for certification in the services for administrative control of foreigners.

For the invited person / s it is necessary to prepare the following information: names on the passport in Latin; date of birth; name and type of the foreign company / organization /, address and phone number.

Necessary documents for invitations from companies registered under the Commercial Law

1.   Application to the Haskovo CCI according to a sample;

2.   Notarized power of attorney according to a sample on behalf of the representative, according to the Commercial Register for the representative of the Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. To be submitted in the original;

3.   Tax return / copy / of the inviting company for the previous year, with incoming number from the respective territorial directorate of the National Revenue  Agency. If the company is newly registered - a copy of the registration with the NRA.

 Necessary documents for invitations from legal entities registered under the Non-profit Legal Entities Act:

  1.  Application to the Haskovo CCI according to a sample;

  2.  Notarized power of attorney according to a sample on behalf of the representative, according to the Commercial Register for the representative of the  Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. To be submitted in the original;

  3.  Certificate for current status of the legal entity (valid for up to 3 months), if the non-profit organization is not re-registered in the Commercial Register;

  4.  Certificate for registration in the respective territorial directorate of the NRA - copy.

Invitations-declarations for business travel are certified on the basis of the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for issuing visas and determining the visa regime, Art. 17 (3), (4) and (5). 

More information about the preparation of an invitation-declaration for business travel and filling in the forms - application to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a power of attorney can be obtained by phone: 038/66 11 12 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.